Our Strategic Direction

AISG Mission and Vision
Alive and well at AISG is a shared desire for our great school to be an even greater one.

From our volunteer board members, to our dedicated faculty, to our supportive parents, to our hard-working students, there is a sense of connection and community. We all work together to continually improve AISG--to make it the best that it can be.

AISG Mission and Vision


Schoolwide goals




The AISG community developed a framework that we believe will guide us for the next 40 years.

The framework calls for the community to first reinforce our foundation, a reexamination of our school's purpose, vision and mission statements, core values, and value propositions.

5 icons representing AISG's Strategic Framework Foundation: value, mission and vision, purpose, and core values



These four strategic priorities are aspirational and are meant to push the boundaries of innovation in a way that is inclusive of both local and global communities. The work on these priorities will be ongoing with the expectation of moving from framework to action by identifying task forces, creating action plans, and identifying projects. 

AISG Strategic Framework is ongoing progress from foundation, strategic priorities, action plan & projects


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