Science Park Interdisciplinary Week

Grade 8 students trialed our newly established Science Park Interdisciplinary Week. This interdisciplinary approach will continue with the introduction of the MYP curriculum for Grades 6 to 10 in the coming school year.

These experiences create opportunities for a more integrated curriculum, facilitate deeper, conceptual learning, and foster an appreciation of new ideas and perspectives.

Our current Secondary curriculum has discipline-based courses, meaning that our subjects are separate, individual classes. Interdisciplinary learning allows students to collaborate on a shared topic or concept to allow students to think beyond their disciplines. While this is common in our Elementary IB PYP curriculum, it is a new experience for Secondary students.

During the week, students had the option to choose from five different interdisciplinary experiences, where each experience required students to use their knowledge from different subjects to solve a particular problem or create a project. Their choices included:

  • Theater and Language & Literature: where students explored bias in newspapers and created a theater performance highlighting a global issue.
  • Individuals and Societies & Design: where students explored the world of countercultures and designed an article of clothing based on these cultures.
  • Visual Art and Language Acquisition: where students created an original illustrated story and narrative video for their clients, our Kindergarten students.
  • Science and Physical & Health Education: where students participated in exciting physical and sports activities, then measured their stress levels before and after these activities.
  • Mathematics and Design: where students used mathematical understanding to design and create a wooden bridge, which they then tested using weights and measurements. 

Overall, it was a wonderful week of learning for our Grade 8 students and an important step in our transition to the IB MYP curriculum, which will be introduced in the 2023-2024 school year.

Our Lower Secondary program is designed to address the unique academic, artistic, physical, creative, and emotional development needs of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. Through a carefully designed structure at each grade level, we provide a developmentally appropriate transition to ensure your child experiences a relevant and exploratory curriculum. Click here to learn more about curriculum.

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