Welcome Back to AISG

The 2022-2023 school year started on campus and began with our students being warmly welcomed back by their teachers, staff, and administration. It's always an exciting and lovely morning welcoming back so many familiar faces and greeting new ones to our RamNation.

We celebrate our 41st year of AISG with our highest enrollment to date of almost 1100 students, which includes over 210 new students! We are very excited about our growing community that continues to be diverse with over 40 nationalities represented.

AISG arriving students welcome back
AISG elementary welcome back teacher wave
AISG welcome back student waving

In Elementary, students attended a start of the year assembly and met our new Elementary Principal, Mrs. Virginia Udall! August is also ‘AISG Cares’ month in Elementary, where we celebrate being a caring community that builds friendships in a positive and inclusive community. It’s the perfect time for the theme as we welcome so many new faces to the Ersha campus.

AISG welcome back student hug
AISG welcome back hand sanitizer students
AISG welcome back about me classroom

In Secondary, students met in their grade level groups, met our new administration in the theater, learned their new schedules, met their new teachers, and set expectations for the year. The day went by smoothly and ended with a celebratory ice cream in the plaza with all our Secondary students in attendance.

AISG students hugging reunion welcome back
AISG welcome back secondary students hugging
AISG secondary group photo welcome back

This year our theme is RamStrong, meaning we will come together as a community and celebrate our strengths. Throughout the year, our faculty, staff, and administration will complete coaching, empower each other, and bring what they’ve learned to our students. It will be a year of reflection, affirmation, and celebration as we aim to spark and ignite the same passion in our students!

AISG welcome back student high 5
AISG students classroom laughing back to school
AISG welcome back students pointing

Welcome back Rams!

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